Town of Brant Newsletter
Volume 1, Issue 2
September 2000

Proposed Landfill in Brant?

The Town Board was asked at the July Board Meeting to review a proposal submitted by Robert Gerhard III, for a proposed Landfill in the Town of Brant. The location site - Cain Road between Route 5 and Hammond Rd.

At this time, there is a law prohibiting Landfills anywhere in the Town. This law would have to be repealed to allow the Landfill and this would require a Public Hearing. The Town Board, at this time has only agreed to review the proposal.

At the August Board Meeting, a committee was formed consisting of Councilwoman, Ellen Bowman, Town Attorney, John Grennell, Glen Cooley from E&M Engineers, one member from the Planning Board who has yet to be determined and several Town Residents which signed up to be on the Committee at the August Board Meeting.

This Committee Meeting will be held on Sept. 12th at the Town Hall at 7:30 p.m. and is open to the public.

An organization "Friends & Neighbors Against the Brant Garbage Landfill" is being formed for residents opposing the Landfill. They will be meeting September 7th at the Evans Rod & Gun Club, Cain Road (near Hammond Rd.) at 7 p.m. for anyone wishing to attend.

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