No Brant Landfill

This web site has been constructed by the Town of Brant Citizens, Friends and Neighbors in order to disseminate information regarding a landfill proposal in the Town of Brant.

No Brant Landfill Search Page

Town Council Phone Numbers

Next Meeting/Latest Information

Brant Town Board Meeting Minutes (7/00-12/00)

Landfills ARE Dangerous

Hickory Woods Citizens Page

Local Landfills in the News March 2001
Modus Operandi Waste "Trade Magazine" Articles
Gerhard's work in other Towns Modern "Double Lined" Landfill Leaks
Landfill Studies The Kersey Valley Landfill A MUST READ
The Emperor Has No Clothes:
Let’s address landfill failure

Question and Answers you NEED to read

Will Brant be dumping Ground for NYC ?

Correspondance regarding any additional information on this proposal or relative web links on this matter can be E-Mailed to: The Webmaster for inclusion on this Web Page.


Nov, 1999Robert Gerhard III (d/b/a) Gerhard/ALCEN, obtains options on 8+ parcels of land in Brant at two to three times assessed value (pending opening of approx. 1,000 acre garbage dump in the town of Brant). Parcels allow access by road (US Route 20) and by rail. Robert A Gerhard III, Gerhard/ALCEN, P0 Box 233, Derby, NY 14047, 716-549-4107.
July, 2000Gerhard/ALCEN presents "landfill proposal" to Brant Town Board and requests the Board to change the town law that prohibits private landfills/dumps in the town.
Aug, 2000"Friends & Neighbors Against The Brant Garbage Landfill" is formed and publicizes the proposed dump to Brant Residents. Residents of the towns of Brant, Evans, North Collins, and the Seneca Nation rally against the "proposed dump" via media, phone calls, and attendance at August and September Brant Town Board meetings.
Sept, 2000 A standing room only audience was in attendance at the Brant Town Board Meeting held on September 5. 2000. They were here to let the Board know that they did not want a landfill to come to Brant. The Board listened to its constituency and unanimously passed two resolutions, one sponsored by boardmember Martin Rosiak and one by Boardmember Ellen Bowman, that eliminated the possibility of a landfill coming to Brant at this time. At both the August & Sept. Board meetings NO ONE SPOKE IN FAVOR of the "proposed landfill".
Oct, 2000 Mr. Gerhard and at least three families (of those who had sold options on their land to Mr Gerhard) appeal and argue with the Brant Town Board members in order to "reopen the issue" because of the "possible benefits" to the town they haven't yet heard.
Nov, 2000 Mr. Gerhard and a few appeal and argue with the Brant Town Board members in order to "reopen the issue" yet again. "Friends & Neighbors Against The Brant Garbage Landfill" begin an every-household letter and petition drive AGAINST the landfill within Brant.
The Reason: 1) To inform Brant residents that the issue MAY NOT YET BE DEAD. 2) To inform Brant residence of the health and environmental hazards of a garbage facility. 3) To Support the Brant Town Board in their decision NOT TO REOPEN the issue of the "proposed landfill". 4) To end this issue once and for all.
Dec, 2000 "The Town of Brant has a law that prohibits landfills and we are not changing the law.", said Town Supervisor Chiavetta at the opening of the Dec. Town Board meeting. With standing room only, and the news media present, Supervisor Chiavetta asked if anyone has anything new to say. NO ONE SPOKE, including Mr. Gerhard, who also refused interviews by TV and Press. The first order of Business was the submission of 755 signatures AGAINT the Landfill and in support of The Brant Town Board. The room erupted with applause as the members of "Friends & Neighbors Against The Brant Garbage Landfill" were recognized.
Jan, 2001 With just a handfull of residents in attendance at the town board meeting no new developments came to light. "The Friends & Neighbors Against The Brant Garbage Landfill" announce they are not disbanding. The steering committe, made up of approx. 18 people will meet monthly to keep informed about any and all environmental issues in and around the Town of Brant.
Feb, 2001
May, 2001
No New Developments.....The Landfill issue may finally be dead !
"The Friends & Neighbors Against The Brant Garbage Landfill" will continue to meet and address any and all Environmental concerns in and about the town as they may arise.

Download View or Print The "NO BRANT Garbage Dump Flyer"
"pdf" files must be downloaded and viewed with the Adobe Acrobat Reader. For more information about the Acrobat Reader, click here. "jpg" format should be readable by your browser alone. View the flyer, print and display in your window, cars, anywhere people will see them.
Car Flyer in "pdf" format Car Flyer in "jpg" format
Dump Fairy Poster in "pdf" format

Who is Mr Gerhard ? Gerhard/Casella Record
D & B Report
Concerned Citizens of
Cattaraugus County
Town of Evans Support
How a Town Fights a Landfill
and Gerhard/ALCEN

Gerhard Property Purchase Offer
Solid Waste Management Proposal in the Town of Brant
NYSDEC Landfill Regulations Part 360
Map of Proposed Landfill Location
NYSDEC letter to Mr. Grennell 8-7-2000
Betty O'Donnell letter to Town Board 8-17-2000
Community Committee Members Selection Letter 8-17-2000
Mr. Hageman's Response to selection letter 8-19-2000
Town of Brant Newsletter September 2000
Highlights of 9-5-2000 Brant Town Board Meeting
Mr Gerhard's Letter 9-6-2000 mailed to Brant Residents
Nov 13,2000 Letter "re-open the issue ?"
Nov 27, 2000 Letter to: Residents of Brant
From: "Freinds and Neighbors Against the Brant Garbage Landfill"
Gerhard Letter to Brant Residents December 8, 2000
FNABGL-Dissolving the Delusion

ArticlesWeb Links
July 13, 2000 Hamburg Sun Recommended Design, Operation, Closure and
Post-Closure Approaches for Municipal Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Landfills
August 2000 Dunkirk Observer Assessing the Potential of Minimum Subtitle D Lined
Landfills to Pollute: Alternative Landfilling Approaches
August 10,2000 Hamburg Sun Environmental Interest-Landfills
August 10,2000 Hamburg Sun Editorial Community, Health and Environment Program
Farmersville Landfill Problems
Buffalo News 8/23/2000
Modern Solid Waste Landfills (NYSDEC)
Definitions/Make-up of Landfills
Informational Flyer
Landfills Leak--San Bernardino County
Evans Opposes Brant Landfill
Angola Penny Saver 9-3-2000
Envirolink Library
Buffalo News Article
Municipal Solid Waste Landfills (USEPA SITE)
Town Crier Article
Surface and Groundwater Quality Evaluation
and Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
Hamburg Sun
Welcome to Garbageville
Links to Environmental Action Groups
Buffalo News
Environmental Defence Scorecard
Dunkirk Observer
December 14, 2000
Missing toxins found in Model City
December 14, 2000
Photos of Seneca Meadows landfill
Town Crier Editorial
Jan. 9, 2001
Town of Root
Court Decision/Order
THE SUN Editorial
Jan. 11, 2001
Toxins in Gowanda and Surrounding Area
THE SUN News Article
Jan. 11, 2001
New Hampshire DES
VOC source is lined landfill
THE SUN Editorial
Jan. 18, 2001
Casella in Hot Seat in three states
THE SUN Editorial
Jan. 25, 2001
Fresh Kills Landfill NY
Moncure NC Landfill Fight
Dump The Dump Site
Cattaraugus County Landfill Fight
Lets Address Landfill Failure
Erie County Leads The Way
Inactive Hazardous Waste sites in WNY
Intersesting Information on
Canadian Landfills
Does this sound familiar ?
Environmental Background
Information Center
Official Town of Brant Site
Socioeconomic Impacts of
Municipal Landfills
Werribee Residents
Citizen's Guide to
Municipal Landfills
"Waste Not"
Waste Industry
Hidden Secretes
Landfill Fire
Seneca Meadows Landfill
Seneca Falls, NY
Aug 25,1999
The Basics of Landfills
Hazardous to the Environment

E-Mail us with any questions, comments, or if you wish to help in this fight.
Support OUR town and OUR Town Board.


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead